Global TEFL offers an optional, 20-hour TEFL Teaching Practicum which you can combine with your online TEFL course. The Practicum can be added to any of our online TEFL courses - our 120-hour Advanced TEFL Course, 150-hour Master TEFL Course or our 250-hour Expert TEFL course.
The practicum is the culminating experience of your teaching preparation. You will be applying many ideas and skills you have learned in your TEFL course, and learning many new strategies and techniques. This will be a growth experience, designed to bring you to the point where you are ready to assume the responsibility of an English teacher.
There will be people assisting and supporting you in this experience. Of primary importance is your trainer. He or she is an experienced teacher who has made the commitment to prepare a future colleague. Your relationship with your trainer is critical to the success of your teaching experience. Your practicum time should be no less than 20 hours altogether.
The academic director, coordinator or supervisor where you do your practicum will also play an important role in your student teaching experience. He/she will probably make frequent visits to your classroom, if arranged, where he/she will observe you and usually hold a conference with you after each observation. The conference provides an opportunity to evaluate your performance and to discuss current experiences, issues, and concerns. You are expected to communicate with your supervisor to describe your progress, plan for his/her visits, and discuss any problems which might arise. Your supervisor is there to help you in every way possible to have a successful student teaching experience.
Always remember that you have a strong network of support in the many people involved in your student teaching: your trainer, your supervisor, your fellow teachers, and the other members of the education community.


Subject: TEFL Practicum Requirement - Global Language Training
This letter is to certify that Global Language Training trainees have the option to complete a minimum of 20 hours of TEFL Practicum in order to add to their training and CV.
Global Language Training's TEFL/TESOL certification courses are accredited by ACTDEC, an internationally recognised accreditation body in the UK for standalone TEFL/TESOL courses whose regulatory function aims to benefit all who are interested in raising standards and protecting the public. Our coursework is comprised of 120, 150 or 250 hours of TEFL/TESOL training in combination with 20 hours of TEFL Practicum.
As part of the TEFL/TESOL Certification students have the option of completing 20 hours of TEFL practicum. Practicum is an essential component to a teacher's training process, as it provides valuable insight and experience prior to obtaining independent teaching positions.

Set reasonable goals for the student to be achieved over a set period
Plan a teaching/learning procedure appropriate to the learner’s developmental level and learning style
Develop a measurement system to record the learner’s progress
Implement the program
Record data
Summarize and evaluate the program at its conclusion
Turn in a report to your trainer
The institution where you complete your practicum will be required to send Global Language Training a letter certificating that you have successfully completed your 20 hours or less if you are doing them in two separate locations. This letter should include:
Where you completed your practicum
The number of total hours completed
What type of language schools or classes were you in
Type of students you worked with
A brief description of your duties and function in the classroom
Any supervisor and/or peer observations that were done and a reflective statement on what was observed (optional)
Turn in a report to your trainer
Feedback from Student Surveys (optional)
Q. What is the TEFL Practicum?
We offer all our trainees the option of adding a 20 hour of practicum. These practicum hours allow each trainee to gain first-hand experience working with real EFL/ESL students in an actual classroom setting.
Q. How do I find a practicum location?
You can do a web search for English language classes offered in your community. You will find that many different organizations will offer English classes to non-native speakers. Some examples of class sites are language schools, cultural or ethnic community centres, community colleges, park districts, local libraries, and faith-based organizations such as churches, mosques, synagogues or through online teaching.
Q. Does Global Language Training assign a practicum location for me?
No, Global Language Training does not assign a practicum location for its students. One benefit of taking the online course is its flexibility, as many students are working or taking other courses concurrently. Because of this, it would be difficult to arrange hours and locations around every individual schedule. Another reason why Global Language Training does not assign a practicum location for students is because we have students from all over the world participate in our course. Therefore, you are free to find a location close to you and arrange hours at your convenience, whether they may occur during the day or in the evenings, or over the weekend.
Q. Do I need to do all of my hours after the course?
You do not need to wait until you have completed your certification to begin your practicum hours. Students may begin their practicum as soon as the course starts.
Q. Do I need to do all of my hours at the same location?
You can do your hours at different locations if you choose. Some students prefer the continuity of remaining at one location throughout the duration of their practicum, while others enjoy experiencing diversity in their students and class types and opt to divide their 20 hours among various locations. Others’ choice of whether or not to do their practicum at one site depends on their professional, academic, and social schedules and whether or not English classes that are offered will conflict with their schedules.
Q. Do I have to do all of my hours all at once?
Just as you can work on your practicum hours at various locations, you can also conduct your observation, tutoring, or student teaching at various times. You can begin your hours as soon as the course starts and you have up to 60 days after the course has ended to complete your practicum. Some teacher trainees prefer to wait until they have been enrolled in the course for some time before they feel comfortable enough to work with English language learners, while some will begin as soon as the course starts and ease into English classes by doing some observation hours in the beginning. Others wait until the course has ended and will work on their practicum during the 60-day period after certification due to schedule constraints.
Q. I currently teach; can my classroom hours apply toward my practicum?
Your current classroom hours will apply toward your practicum only if you are teaching English skills to non-native English speakers. For example, if you happen to have an English language learner in your Algebra class, then those hours will not apply toward your practicum. Additionally, if you are an English teacher, but do not have only English Language Learners in your class, then these teaching hours will not count, either.
Q. I have taught in the past; can those hours apply toward my practicum?
Yes, if you have had extensive TEFL/TESOL experience locally or abroad, then you may have your practicum hours waived. We will need proof of this via a letter from your previous employer where we this can be verified by our academic team. We will call or email the institution where you worked as an English teacher. Emails must be corporate. We do not contact personal emails.
Q. How will Global Language Training verify my practicum?
You will be required to provide contact information for a supervisor as well as detailed information regarding the classes taught or observed. Global Language Training may contact your supervisor to confirm your hours. You will submit your practicum by writing a final report on your experience and submitting it to your trainer.
Q. How many ESL students do I need to work with?
Global Language Training does not have a minimum or maximum number of students that you are able to work with. You can work with a couple of students, or even teach large classes of 20 - 30 students. The choice is ultimately up to you.
Q. Can I complete my practicum in a foreign language, math, science, etc. classroom?
Students may only receive credit for their practicum hours if they complete their practicum in an environment or classroom where non-native English speakers are learning the English language. Any hours spent in another environment or classroom that does not meet these requirements, will not receive credit for their practicum hours.
Q. Many practicum locations or organizations require their volunteers to participate in an orientation or training program before they begin observations, teaching, or tutoring. Am I able to count this towards my 20 practicum hours?
Practicum hours must solely consist of observation and teaching. Any orientation or training hours do not count towards the 20 practicum hours unless those hours were observation and teaching practice.

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